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Saturday, 4 February 2012

The Promised Information at Last!!!

Hey all!!

           So sorry for the delay in any up-dates! To say it's been a busy January would be a..... well understatement. However school has calmed down (some what :P) and as of yesterday I have all the information from VESA that I need to let you all know the nitty-gritty-details of my trip! Hopefully the next few paragraphs will answer your questions!

Q- How Much IS My Trip To Fiji You Ask?

A- My trip to Fiji costs $3480.00 That includes all travel in Fiji, Food, Laundry, Drinks, Activities, and my flight from L.A. to Fiji. It DOES NOT include my flight to L.A. where I will meet up with the rest of the VESA travellers or my flight back from L.A. neither does it include money for transportation to and from Airports outside of Fiji. I can not tell you an exact price on a flight to LA because I have not yet booked a flight due to the fact that I do not know where I will be working this summer, it could be Thunder Bay, Timmins, Barrie, Toronto, Alberta.... who knows! But when I find out you will find out :)

Q-When is this money due?

A- My payment is due 45 days Prior to my departure, this means the final day I can pay is April 5, so if you are planning on donating it would be great if all donations could be in by April 1st. 

          I hope this answers some questions, if there are more you can always ask in the comment section at the bottom of the page, e-mail me, Facebook me, and if you have my number you may call or text me.

Now that January is over I will be Updating Every other week, at least. The next post will include a list of what I need to bring on my trip and some cool things about the Fijian Culture! 

I hope You all have a fantastic week and I look forward to seeing you all in my next update ;)


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