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Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Just a little Update :)

Hello everybody!!!

So it's been a few weeks, but everyone will be happy to know I made it through the first round of Midterms and I only have one midterm left of the second round.... It's calculus :( wish me luck! 

There's not much new to add I'm afraid, The Final Payment Date is April 5, 2012, It would be great if anyone who is donating can get there donations in before that date, preferably APRIL 1, 2012. Because it is the biggest payment however, any many I can't pay will be going on my credit and I will be working with in the next month to pay it back so if you did not donate and would like to you can still do so, also I will need to pay the $600 flight to LA and back so I can meet up with the group as well as spending money in-terms of meals and so on. As well as all the stuff I will need to bring. Any donations would be so appreciated.

Fundraising Information
Okay so since my last update I've been busy trying to acquire funds. I now only have $1049.91 again this does not include the flight to LA which will put it too $1600 approximately, nor does it include the other miscellaneous things I will need to buy. 
I am dog walking in return for donations, still doing the online surveys, and I've signed up for Air Miles and Aeroplan. I figure anything helps. :P

In terms of Supplies I need, the list is in my last post since then I have acquired a travelling back pack (thank you aunt anne!) If you would like to help out but can't donate, anything on that list that you can let me borrow would be very helpful.

That's pretty much everything as of right now, there's not much new to update, other than the fact that the deadline date is fast approaching and I would really appreciate donations. I'm so excited for this opportunity, I have always wanted to go to a third world country and volunteer and my moment is finally here. I really appreciate all the help everyone has given me            and I hope that someday I will be able to return the favour!

Saturday, 11 February 2012


Okay Everyone! So I've posted three post's today including this one. The first was the trip itinerary, the second what I need to bring and then this one which is an update!

So basically I've had a few questions about the donation process unfortunately there are no links to accounts on my blog. One, you can't link to an account because of security reasons and Two, even if you could I wouldn't even know how, I'm horrible with computer stuff. I know what child of the 21st century is still baffled by the computer :P

I'm gonna walk everyone threw exactly what to do. Your first option is the manual way of donating. You can go to any TD Bank in Canada!!  You walk up to the teller and tell them that you want to put money on an account, the account number is the one listed on the side margin of this page or if you read my first post on the donation process you can find it there. You can also send me an e-mail I love hearing from everyone! After you tell them the account number you can either physically give them the cash, check etc. or if you are a TD banker you can make a transfer from your account. That's the basics of the manual way, hover if you do it this way ask the teller to put your name on the donation that way I can see who has donated, I plan on sending Everyone a thank you card, probably some pictures as well! 

Okay your second is option is the option most people are going with. It's called an e-transfer. Basically it's an e-mail money transfer. You do this threw online banking. First you log into your online bank account, under the area where you view your accounts there will be a couple of different options, one of them will say transfers or make a transfer etc. you click on that. An option will appear for a e-transfer, TD users this will be under the box asking from what account to what account. Other bank users it's probably in a similar spot, but it will say e-transfer, you click on that link and follow the steps. You will be asked to make a security question, if you can't think of a question I will know the answer to or don't know any specific questions than just use the question Where are you volunteering? and the answer will be Fiji If you are worried about security and don't want to use this question but can't think of one then, Facebook me, e-mail me or call me. However, i am not going to put my phone number on the internet for security reasons so if you e-mail me I will e-mail you my number :D Once you follow the e-transfer steps click send and about fifteen minutes later I will get an e-mail, I promise I will notify I have received your e-mail right away so you can be assured that your money was safely transferred and received! 

Any donations are greatly appreciated, so far I have received $500 in donations thank you so much to those who have donated.

The total cost of the trip is $3480.00. This price does not include the flight to LA where I will meet up with the VESA volunteers or the Flight back, it also doesn't include the supplies I will need to buy nor the money I will need while there. Between Donations, work and what i have payed so far, of that $3480.00 I only have $2390.00 left to raise plus the flight to LA and the supplies. So again Donations will be greatly appreciated no matter how big or small!

On my part, I have been filling out online surveys which gives me some money here and there, I have also got a job which should hopefully give me $1500 by April 1 which is when I need to make my final payment. I am also in the midst of sending out letters to companies trying to get a sponsorship from some of them.

I realize this post was a lot of information so I am going to go over the important parts right now.

  • If you are having trouble with the Donation process please please please contact me!
  • The day of the Final Payment is April 1, 2012, even though i don't leave until May 19 all money has to be in by then!
  • The total cost of the trip is going to be at least $4000.00, 
  • Donations are greatly appreciated whether it's in the form of money or supplies that I will need!
  • Remember the security question if you cannot think of one is: Where are you volunteering? and the answer is Fiji. Unless of course you have one that i will for sure know the answer too.
I'd also like to thank everyone just for checking out the blog. I get notified on the blog for how many views it's gotten and I love it when I sign on and see that people have been reading it and following along. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read what I've said it means a lot to me!

What I Need To Bring

Hey Everyone! So this is a list of everything I have to bring. If anyone has any of these items and would be okay with me borrowing it that would be great! That way I don't have to buy new. I will indicate which items I do not have on the list!

Thank you!

Here is the exact list I was giving! :D

Don’t leave home without:
  • Passport with minimum 6 months validity remaining before expiry
  • Copy of passport (leave another copy at home with family/friends)
  • Insurance policy (leave a copy at home with family/friends)
  • Prescriptions for medication if travelling with them i.e. Epipen
  • Medical alert bracelet if worn
  • Imodium or similar for upset stomach
  • Oral rehydration sachets (it’s hot work) I do not have these, basically they are used to treat dehydration but they are also used to prevent it and are most typically called Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) and are dissolved in water.
  • Course of general anti-biotic for minor infections/gastro
  • Contact lens solution if necessary
  • Towel
  • Toiletries

  • T-shirts
  • Light-weight long pants for volunteer work
  • Shorts (in the villages, girls must cover their shoulders and knees)
  • Light weight jumper/sweater for night time
  • Closed toe shoes/boots for volunteer work (old runners are best....very old)
  • Sarong (in Fiji they are called Sulu) – they work for everything, extra blanket,
    beach towel, head wrap Yeah for those who know me well probably know that I do not own one of these :P
  • Sandals/flip flops/thongs/Havaianas
  • Swimmers (girls...bikinis are fine)
  • Rain jacket
  • Rain pants (optional however you may be happy to have them)
  • Sunglasses and hat
  • Lots of socks and undies/smalls/underwear/briefs et al. 

Other Important Essentials:

  • Large Backpack – A lot of people enquire about taking a suitcase but please be aware that we will be on and off planes, buses, boats etc and you will be carrying your own luggage. I do not have a large travelling back backpack, if anyone has one it would be much appreciated, these tend to be expensive.
  • Day pack (small) for island adventure and volunteer work to carry water, sunscreen, camera and insect repellent. I do however, have plenty of small travelling backpacks.... lol I am a student :D
  • Sleeping bag liner/inner sheet (it is too hot for a sleeping bag). I obviously have an inner sheet somewhere however it would be nicer to have a sleeping bag liner.... so if anyone has one of those that would be fantastic!!
  • Water bottle/personal use
  • Sunscreen with min 15+ protection
  • Insect repellent with high Deet content

  • Calamine lotion
  • Torch
  • Batteries 

Optional Extras:
  • Adaptor for appliances if required (same as Australian) I do not have one of these.

  • Bandaids for small cuts or blisters
  • $200 US equivalent – you can change your currency at Fiji airport on arrival This will fall under Donations!

  • iPod and charger
  • Camera and charger This is where the adapter would come in handy I would like to be able to show everyone pictures!! 
  • Small useful items as gifts for the villagers i.e. old sport jerseys/ hats/soccer balls or children’s books to donate to the school. The kids love clothes and toys from abroad – just stuff from a $2 shop. If anyone has anything they want me to bring let me know, and I will bring it along :D
  • The little girls loooove getting dresses. 
That Covers Everything I need to Bring! Again anything that can be donated would be appreciated so much!

        Trip Itinerary

        DAY 1-2
        Flight to Nadi

        DAY 3

        I will be met at Nadi International Airport by the VESA staff  members. We will be transported by coach to our hotel where we spend the day acclimatizing and getting to know fellow volunteers. Overnight in Nadi. 

        DAYS 4-8

        Breakfast at Nadi Bay Resort followed by a coach transfer to our village where I will be introduced to my host family.
        After settling in to the home stay you will begin your volunteer work in the afternoon. We will be split into groups to undertake the following: working with children in the village school teaching/tutoring, renovating and revitalising the facilities with fresh coats of paint, installing new play equipment and the construction and installation of bathrooms and water catchments.
        A typical day volunteering goes a little like this:
        • 8am - Breakfast
        • 9am - Begin Volunteer work
        • 10:00am - Light refreshment
        • 12.30pm Lunch
        • 1:00pm continue volunteer work
        • 2:30pm Afternoon Tea
        • 4:00pm Finish
        • 4.30pm Free time and activities
        • 7:00pm Dinner
        • 8:00pm Free time and activities 
        DAY 9 (FREE DAY)
        Take the opportunity to rest and relax, spend time with my host family and other participants. Sunday is a traditional day of church and rest for Fijian people and no work can be undertaken. 

        Day 10: Farewell to Village
        Finish up volunteer work. Farewell ceremony. Overnight coach to the Port Denarau to board island cruise boat on Day 11. 

        DAY 11-16
        Island Adventure Week

        This week we'll visit three unique islands in the Yasawa and Mamanuca Island chains. First we will cruise to Safe Landing located on one of the most remote and idyllic islands in the Yasawa Group. Visit the gorgeous Blue lagoon and Sawai-Lau cave’s for sensational snorkelling. Then travel south to the beautiful Korovou Eco Haven where we will be taken by boat to the Manta Ray Island to snorkel with these playful giants in the crystal clear water. Take a hike to the top of the mountain for a terrific sunset view and swim, body surf and snorkel at the picture perfect Honeymoon Beach. Last we will visit Bounty Island where we can treat yourself to a massage, kayak, learn to sail a catamaran and get involved in their Turtle Conservation Project. In between these great activities there will be crab
        racing, volleyball, traditional dance shows, fishing, golf 
        competitions, coconut tree climbing and more.
        Finally we'll transfer to Nadi international airport for the flight home. 

          Saturday, 4 February 2012

          The Promised Information at Last!!!

          Hey all!!

                     So sorry for the delay in any up-dates! To say it's been a busy January would be a..... well understatement. However school has calmed down (some what :P) and as of yesterday I have all the information from VESA that I need to let you all know the nitty-gritty-details of my trip! Hopefully the next few paragraphs will answer your questions!

          Q- How Much IS My Trip To Fiji You Ask?

          A- My trip to Fiji costs $3480.00 That includes all travel in Fiji, Food, Laundry, Drinks, Activities, and my flight from L.A. to Fiji. It DOES NOT include my flight to L.A. where I will meet up with the rest of the VESA travellers or my flight back from L.A. neither does it include money for transportation to and from Airports outside of Fiji. I can not tell you an exact price on a flight to LA because I have not yet booked a flight due to the fact that I do not know where I will be working this summer, it could be Thunder Bay, Timmins, Barrie, Toronto, Alberta.... who knows! But when I find out you will find out :)

          Q-When is this money due?

          A- My payment is due 45 days Prior to my departure, this means the final day I can pay is April 5, so if you are planning on donating it would be great if all donations could be in by April 1st. 

                    I hope this answers some questions, if there are more you can always ask in the comment section at the bottom of the page, e-mail me, Facebook me, and if you have my number you may call or text me.

          Now that January is over I will be Updating Every other week, at least. The next post will include a list of what I need to bring on my trip and some cool things about the Fijian Culture! 

          I hope You all have a fantastic week and I look forward to seeing you all in my next update ;)


          Ecuador Village

          Ecuador Village



